Martin Lindeskog

Martin Lindeskog in Anteckningsböcker

Note 📝 (to self) card

From my latest post on Instagram

Notecard 📝 with weekly review. I will talk about B.N.P. (Blog - Newsletter - Podcasting) toolbox 🧰, L.I.F.T. (LinkedIn, Instagram, Facebook, Twitter) workflow , and F.I.X. IT! 🖼 framework, in upcoming podcast episodes, issues of my newsletter, Lyceum Bulletin, and blog posts. I will also “chew” on how to be a “sponge” 🧽, “diamond” 💎, and “essentialist” 🧬 regarding new media, in live-streaming sessions on Happs, drop by audio chats on Clubhouse, and posts on digital town halls (powered by Haaartland ).

In the picture: notecard and folder 📂 archive box by Mod. 1927, TWSBI fountain pen 🖋, Uni ball Jetstream pens, Kaweco Skyline Sport Gel Roller, Viking mini ✏️ pencil, High Grade King of Puer fermented Pu-Erh tea from Te-Centralen, and SwissGold®️ tea 🫖 infuser.

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